Have you ever seen a salamander, that fish with legs and a pretty cute face? Well that creature could be an axolotl, a crazy-cool salamander with superpowers! They may sound like an ordinary salamander, but there are a few ways to tell if they are an axolotl.

The axolotl, also known as the Mexican Walking Fish, is a type of salamander. They grow about 25cm (10 inch) long. In the wild, they live about 5-6 years, in captivity however, they can live an outstanding 15 years! (With the proper nutrients and habitat). In some African countries, they are put on a spit and slow cooked. However, they are a rather rare animal now. In fact, they are almost extinct!

They live in only one lake, Lake Xochimilco, in Mexico. Axolotls are so endangered due to pollution and urbanization that the entire population is forced into one lake. Pollution, where garbage is left in the wild, is a huge problem. Pollution kills lots of salamanders every week! They are also being forced into one lake due to urbanization! Urbanization is where buildings are being built and taking over entire ecosystem. However, wildlife is just as dangerous to them.
Invasive species such as bass, herons and tilapia eat axolotls and their food! In the wild, their food consists of fish, mollusks, water insects, and even other axolotls! In captivity they eat blackworms, bloodworms, and earthworms, as well as packaged axolotl food. They are so cool when they eat because they swallow in only one second, they suck in water in front of them, along with the food in the water, then the water is pushed out of the gills. The axolotl bite is rarely harmful, but the brown ones have been known to make a little mark.
Yes, there are many different types of axolotls! Here are a few! Albino, brown, gold, black, leucistic (which means mostly albino), gold leucistic, and over pigmented, where there is so much colour that every surface on the axolotl is jet-black. Some axolotls have gills that stick out more than others, some have longer tails! However, all axolotls are super sensitive to chlorine, even tap water contains a small amount of chlorine, which means tap water will have to be filtered for two weeks to be suitable for an axolotl. However, with weaknesses, they also have strengths.
Axolotls can actually evolve! If they are left in poor conditions where they arenโt getting enough nutrients in the water, they will live on land! The process is quite fascinating! The axolotl sucks air into its mouth, it then goes underwater and attempts to swallow the air. Studies have shown it takes about a day of this to fully evolve! Then their gills fall off and they develop lungs! They can also grow back limbs! If one falls off, it will grow back in about 2 weeks!
now even if you donโt see an axolotl, you now know how to identify these power-wielding salamanders! Itโs crazy that they can grow back limbs and evolve1 axolotls really are no ordinary creatures. So, if youโre ever in Mexico (or happen to live there), you could visit lake Xochimilco, you could see these Mexican Walking Fish in real life! Unless they become extinct from pollution. Donating to a charity like TeamSeas, is a great way to help these creatures survive!
Works Cited
โAxolotl.โ Britannica School, Encyclopedia Britannica, 12 Aug. 2021. school.eb.com/levels/high/article/axolotl/11486. Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.
Garbus, Julia, and Noah Berlatsky. โAxolotl.โ UXL Endangered Species, edited by Kathleen J. Edgar, 3rd ed., vol. 3: Amphibians, Corals, Fish, Plants, and Reptiles, UXL, 2016, pp. 569-571. Gale In Context: Science, link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3627500185/SCIC?u=ko_k12pr_d65&sid=bookmark-SCIC&xid=89837d90. Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.
Freedman, Bill. โSalamanders.โ The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, edited by K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 5th ed., Gale, 2014. Gale In Context: Science, link.gale.com/apps/doc/CV2644031945/SCIC?u=ko_k12pr_d65&sid=bookmark-SCIC&xid=125dfb57. Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.